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A Message from VMware CEO Raghu Raghuram to Employees

Raghu Raghuram

To: All VMware Employees and Contractors

From: Raghu Raghuram

Date: June 1, 2021


I remember my first day at VMware 18 years ago. I joined a company that had a vision of changing the world. I’ve stayed at VMware because changing the world is fun, hard work and a never-ending puzzle to solve. And I’m a guy who likes that kind of challenge. I also simply love the VMware community—the people, the culture, our customers and partners. Together, we’ve created one of the most influential and innovative companies in our industry.

We have an amazing track record of creating new markets and re-inventing ourselves, and we’re poised to do that once again here at the dawn of the multi-cloud era. Today, I am humbled, excited and truly honored to get to work as your CEO.

As we drive VMware’s next phase of growth, we’re going to intensify our focus on what our customers care about the most. Here’s what I’m hearing from the customers I speak with:

1. “I want to speed up our re-invention as a digital business powered by software and software operations.”

2. "I want to transform my customer’s experience by rapidly building and deploying new applications where they fit best—in the cloud, in my data center or at the edge.”

3. “I need security built for a world of distributed work.”

Against that backdrop, our role in the industry is unique. We’re the only player in the world that can conquer the complexity that our customers face—empowering them to juggle VMs and containers, existing and new apps, data centers and clouds, IT Ops and developers. We give them the freedom and control to innovate faster with the confidence that their workloads will be resilient, more secure and more cost-efficient wherever they are deployed. As the global economy recovers, we have an opportunity to seize this moment with renewed focus and commitment.

As we work to deliver gold-medal winning SaaS offerings, our guiding principles must be:

  • Embracing an “outside-in” mindset that puts customers first.
  • Executing with greater urgency, clearer accountability and simplified decision-making.
  • Operating as One VMware to deliver a seamless customer experience across all our solutions.

My commitment is to create an environment for you to do your best work for our customers and communities. Your success is VMware’s success. And with that, your well-being remains a top priority for me and the leadership team. Our EPIC2 values and our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion remain the bedrock for everything we do.

The pandemic will lift in time, and soon we will mark the beginning of a new chapter across the globe and across our teams. I look forward to welcoming that day together with all of you. I’ve never been more excited about the future of this company and the opportunity right in front of us.

VMware Team, let’s get going!


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