07VMware gibt Finanzzahlen für das zweite Quartal 2013 bekannt
- Ertrag steigt im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum um 11 Prozent auf 1,24 Milliarden US-Dollar
- GAAP Umsatzrendite von 21,7 Prozent; Non-GAAP Umsatzrendite auf einem Rekordhoch von 33,5 Prozent
- GAAP Gewinn je Aktie von 0,57 US-Dollar; Non-GAAP Gewinn je Aktie von 0,79 US-Dollar
München, 24. Juli 2013 – „Mit dem erfolgreichen zweiten Quartal haben wir einen starken Endspurt für ein solides erstes Halbjahr 2013 hingelegt“, sagt Pat Gelsinger, Chief Executive Officer bei VMware. „Für das zweite Halbjahr 2013 und auch darüber hinaus sehen wir bedeutende Chancen im Markt. VMware wird seinen Erfolg weiter ausbauen, da wir hervorragend positioniert sind um unseren Kunden von der Client-Server-Ära in die Mobile-Cloud-Ära zu helfen. Indem wir für unsere Kunden eine Brücke in diese neue Welt des Computings schlagen helfen wir den Unternehmen Effizienz, Kontrolle und Agilität ihrer IT auf ein neues Level zu heben.“
„Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit den Ergebnissen unseres zweiten Quartals“, sagt Jonathan Chadwick, Chief Financial Officer bei VMware. „Wir haben unsere ursprünglichen Umsatzerwartungen übertroffen und ein Rekordhoch bei der Non-GAAP Umsatzrendite erreicht. VMware ist strategisch ausgerichtet und fokussiert, wir starten mit positivem Momentum ins zweite Halbjahr.”
Weitere Details zu den Finanzzahlen entnehmen Sie bitte der englischsprachigen Pressemeldung wie folgt:
- Revenues for the second quarter were $1.24 billion, an increase of 11% from the second quarter of 2012. Excluding revenues attributable to GoPivotal and all divestitures that occurred in 2013, revenues for the second quarter increased 15% from the second quarter of 2012.1
- Operating income for the second quarter was $270 million, an increase of 28% from the second quarter of 2012. Non-GAAP operating income for the second quarter was $417 million, an increase of 16% from the second quarter of 2012.
- Net income for the second quarter was $244 million, or $0.57 per diluted share, up 28% per diluted share compared to $192 million, or $0.44 per diluted share, for the second quarter of 2012. Non-GAAP net income for the quarter was $343 million, or $0.79 per diluted share, up 16% per diluted share compared to $296 million, or $0.68 per diluted share, for the second quarter of 2012.
- Operating cash flows for the second quarter were $534 million, an increase of 36% from the second quarter of 2012. Free cash flows for the quarter were $458 million, an increase of 32% from the second quarter of 2012.
- Cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments were $5.32 billion and unearned revenue was $3.60 billion as of June 30, 2013.
Annual 2013 revenues are expected to be in the range of $5.12 billion to $5.26 billion, and annual license revenues are expected to be in the range of $2.21 billion to $2.29 billion. Excluding revenues attributable to GoPivotal and all divestitures that occurred in 2013, this represents growth rates of 15% to 18% for total revenues and 8% to 12% for license revenues. 1
Third quarter 2013 revenues are expected to be in the range of $1.27 billion to $1.30 billion, and third quarter license revenues are expected to be between $535 million and $555 million. Excluding revenues attributable to GoPivotal and all divestitures that occurred in 2013, this represents growth rates of 17% to 20% for total revenues and 12% to 16% for license revenues. 1
Recent Highlights & Strategic Announcements
- On May 21, 2013, VMware unveiled VMware vCloud® Hybrid Service™, an Infrastructure as a Service (“IaaS”) cloud operated by VMware and built on the trusted foundation of VMware vSphere®, giving customers a common platform to seamlessly extend their data center to the cloud.
- On May 22, 2013, VMware and SAP AG announced a new model to deliver SAP Core Solutions and SAP HANA® in the newly announced VMware vCloud® Hybrid Service™. The joint offering is designed to allow customers to consume SAP solutions on VMware vCloud Hybrid Service in a true Opex model with subscription pricing for both software and infrastructure services. The joint offering is expected to deliver a fully managed subscription service offered by VMware on-premise, in the cloud or within hybrid deployments.
- On June 10, 2013, VMware announced that NTT Communications (“NTT Com”), the cloud service provider of one of the world's largest telecommunications companies NTT Group, will deploy VMware network virtualization as a core technology for its new cloud service, Enterprise Cloud (“EC”). By incorporating VMware network virtualization into its EC service, NTT Com will provide seamless and flexible connectivity between customer data centers and the NTT Com cloud without changing the IP addresses of a customer's existing, on-premise environment.
- On June 11, 2013, VMware introduced VMware® vCenter™ Log Insight™, a new automated log management and analytics product for the Cloud Era. By extending analytics to logs, VMware enables IT organizations to gain real-time insights from vast amounts of log data generated by applications, physical hardware and virtualized infrastructure, helping to minimize troubleshooting times as well as improve operational efficiency and reduce IT costs.
- In May and June of 2013, VMware made announcements regarding VMware vSphere® integration with Apache Hadoop. MapR Technologies, Inc. and VMware announced that MapR’s Distribution for Apache Hadoop is now certified for VMware vSphere. In addition, Cloudera and VMware announced that Cloudera Enterprise is now certified to run on vSphere. Through the VMware Ready™ program, VMware and Cloudera completed a detailed joint validation process, which enables enterprises to simplify and accelerate the use of Apache Hadoop within virtual and cloud environments.
1Comparative growth percentages exclude revenues in each period attributable to the products and services contributed to GoPivotal, Inc. and the products and services associated with divestitures consummated by VMware in 2013. On a GAAP basis, the range of expected annual 2013 revenues represents growth rates of 11% to 14%, the range of expected annual license revenues represents growth rates of 6% to 10%, the range of expected third quarter 2013 revenues represents growth rates of 12% to 15% and the range of expected third quarter 2013 license revenues represents growth rates of 9% to 13%.
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VMware, der weltweit führende Anbieter von Virtualisierungs- und Cloud-Infrastruktur-Lösungen, ermöglicht Unternehmen jeder Größe im Cloud-Zeitalter größtmögliche Erfolge zu erzielen. Dank der Virtualisierungs- und Cloud-Technologien von VMware werden nicht nur IT-Umgebungen verschlankt, sondern auch deren Management vereinfacht und im Hinblick auf Prozesse und künftige Geschäftsentwicklungen flexibel und hochverfügbar gestaltet. Mit einem Umsatz von 4,61 Milliarden US-Dollar im Jahr 2012 verfügt VMware über ein globales Partnernetzwerk aus 55.000 Partnern und über 480.000 Kunden.
Das Software-Unternehmen hat seinen Firmenhauptsitz im kalifornischen Palo Alto, mit Niederlassungen über den ganzen Globus. Die deutsche Geschäftsstelle befindet sich in München-Unterschleißheim. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter www.vmware.com/de.
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Katrin Haslauer
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