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VMware lancia il nuovo programma Volume Purchasing Program


VMware Launches New Volume Purchasing Program

Tier-based Points System Provides Simple Discount Structure for Purchasing VMware Software Licenses in Bulk Quantities

PALO ALTO, Calif., July 27, 2010— VMware, Inc. (NYSE: VMW), the global leader in virtualization solutions from the desktop through the datacenter and to the cloud, today announced a new VMware Volume Purchasing Program (VPP). VMware VPP is designed to provide customers worldwide with consistent, accumulative software license discounting through an easy-to-use, tier-based points system. The program helps maximize the value derived from volume purchases of VMware software licenses, including significant cost savings on VMware solutions and increased budget predictability for future purchases. VPP is offered to customers through authorized VMware partners.

With VMware VPP, customers may enroll for a VPP membership and earn points on VMware products and services. Points are stored in customers’ accounts and accrue toward four tier levels in the program, with each tier level delivering additional incremental discounts that are applied automatically to new purchases depending on a customer’s tier. Customers can accumulate points over a rolling eight-quarter period and access an easy-to-use online portal to track the number of points and eligible discount levels. For qualified purchases, VMware VPP provides customers with discounts ranging from 4 percent to 12 percent off the published local VMware MSRP prices.

“We value our customers and sought to simplify how they do business with VMware, so we revised the VMware VPP to reward customers in a consistent and predictable way,” said Ryan Knauss, senior director, pricing and licensing, VMware. “VMware VPP functions similarly to a frequent flier program, using a simple points-based system to track and manage the benefits of purchasing software licenses in bulk quantities. This new program will further streamline the ease of doing business with VMware so our customers can accelerate their journey to IT as a service.”

Read more on VMware VPP.

VMware offre soluzioni per la virtualizzazione e per le infrastrutture cloud che consentono alle organizzazioni IT di guidare la crescita di aziende di ogni dimensione. Grazie alle caratteristiche e ai benefici della piattaforma di virtualizzazione – VMware vSphere™ – le aziende si affidano a VMware per ridurre costi fissi e variabili, migliorare la flessibilità, garantire continuità di business, rafforzare la sicurezza e salvaguardare l’ambiente. Con un fatturato 2009 pari a 2 miliardi di dollari, oltre 190.000 clienti e più di 25.000 partner, VMware è leader di mercato nella virtualizzazione, che si conferma una delle priorità strategiche nell’agenda dei CIO. VMware ha sede nella Silicon Valley con uffici in tutto il mondo e può essere raggiunta online su


VMware and VMware vSphere are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of VMware, Inc. in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies. The use of the word “partner” or “partnership” does not imply a legal partnership relationship between VMware and any other company.


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Stefania Cugini VMware ItaliaTel.: +39 02 6203 1Email:

Alessandra Merini e Stefania Paganardi ImagewareTel.: +39 02 700251Email: spaganardi@imageware.itt