VMware Offers Upgrade from Parallels Desktop for Mac for only $9.99
Current owners of VMware Fusion™ 1 and 2 also save
PALO ALTO, Calif., September 15, 2010VMware, Inc. (NYSE: VMW), the global leader in virtualization and cloud infrastructure, today announced a new $9.99 VMware Fusion™ Upgrade Program for users of any version of Parallels Desktop for Mac.
For a limited time, users can make the switch to VMware Fusion - the best way to run Windows on the Mac– for only $9.99, a $30 cost saving from the usual VMware Fusion upgrade and a $40 cost savings from upgrading to Parallels Desktop 6. More information on the VMware Fusion Upgrade Program can be found at www.vmware.com/go/unparalleled/.
“We’re excited to offer the Mac community – including both VMware and Parallels customers – the ability to upgrade to VMware Fusion™ 3 for only $9.99,” said Pat Lee, director, Personal Desktop Products for VMware. “Most new features now available in Parallels Desktop 6 have already been in use by VMware Fusion customers since last year. Parallels customers now have an easy upgrade path to the most reliable and proven way to run Windows on a Mac.”
VMware Fusion has been widely adopted by users ranging from consumers to Fortune 500 enterprises and government organizations as it delivers the stability, performance and ease-ofuse users have come to expect from the global leader in virtualization.
Availability and Pricing
For a limited time, eligible users of any version of Parallels Desktop for Mac and users of VMware Fusion 1 or VMware Fusion 2 can purchase the discounted upgrade at vmware.com/go/unparalleled. For new users of Windows on Mac software, VMware Fusion 3 is available at vmware.com/fusion, the Apple Online Store® (apple.com), Apple retail stores, Amazon.com, and other authorized resellers. The suggested retail price of $79.99 (USD) includes all of the software needed to switch from a PC to a Mac.
VMware offre soluzioni per la virtualizzazione e per le infrastrutture cloud che consentono alle organizzazioni IT di guidare la crescita di aziende di ogni dimensione. Grazie alle caratteristiche e ai benefici della piattaforma di virtualizzazione – VMware vSphere™ – le aziende si affidano a VMware per ridurre costi fissi e variabili, migliorare la flessibilità, garantire continuità di business, rafforzare la sicurezza e salvaguardare l’ambiente. Con un fatturato 2009 pari a 2 miliardi di dollari, oltre 190.000 clienti e più di 25.000 partner, VMware è leader di mercato nella virtualizzazione, che si conferma una delle priorità strategiche nell’agenda dei CIO. VMware ha sede nella Silicon Valley con uffici in tutto il mondo e può essere raggiunta online su www.vmware.com
Contatti stampa
Stefania Cugini VMware ItaliaTel.: +39 02 6203 1Email: scugini@vmware.com
Alessandra Merini e Stefania Paganardi ImagewareTel.: +39 02 700251Email: amerini@imageware.it spaganardi@imageware.itt