Apps & Cloud1 min read

How Did Discovery Holdings Take Control of Multi-Cloud?

Giulia Alessio
eyetronic - Fotolia

Discovery Holdings is a South African insurance provider guided by one clear core purpose - to make people healthier and to enhance and protect their lives. The business operates worldwide. It needs to be fast to market with new services, and to scale when demand is evident. Discovery began its cloud journey in 2012, recognizing it helped meet its business need for scale, flexibility and global reach. Today, its operations span four hyperscalers as well as on-premise data centers across 16 regions. Like many organizations, it has grappled with “cloud chaos” along the way.

“Managing disparate environments is complicated. They all come with their own challenges. It’s difficult to get a clear view of costs when you’re dealing with operational expenditure from data centers and capital expenditure across four different clouds. There’s no common interface or language and each platform captures different metrics,” explains Johan Marais, senior platform services manager, Discovery Holdings.

Find out more about how Discovery took control and simplified the management of its multi-cloud environment here.