Read the Press Release:
VMware Announces 2014 VMware Innovation Awards Winners
California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA): Leveraging the Software-Defined Data Center
“Managing California’s precious resources from its coastlines to its parks, fish, wildlife, energy sources, and to its water is the responsibility of the 30 organizations of the California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA). We depend on real-time data and system access to make decisions and respond quickly to disasters like flood, fire, drought, and earthquakes. By consolidating 30 disparate organizations’ IT infrastructures into a single robust private cloud-based shared services environment, the agency can effectively provision computer resources, services, and information as departments’ business demands grow and change.”– Tim Garza, Agency IT Director
Indiana University: VMUG Impact
“The Indiana University Intelligent Infrastructure (IUII) is a suite of services that offers faculty and administration access to the same high-performance and high-availability hardware that IU uses to deliver mission-critical university applications and services. It is a key component in our cybersecurity risk mitigation strategy. IU departments no longer need to run their own physical servers. Rather, the IUII does that and provides the benefits of physical security, disaster recovery, and advanced firewalls, while the departmental staff retains full control of operating systems, applications, and data. IUII lets staff from schools and departments request servers and storage in a cloud-like environment, provisioning over 2,200 virtual servers and 1PB of data while at the same time maintain over 1,200 servers to support mission-critical university applications.” – Troy Williams, Manager, Storage and Virtualization
SPAWAR/U.S. Navy Medicine: End-User Computing in the Mobile-Cloud Era
“We have seen time savings of 20 minutes or more per day in some cases for our care providers by moving the desktop and tools to the cloud. Additionally, the providers and their staff are able to access the tools at the point of care. By providing fast, centralized access, clinicians are now able to access personnel medical records, images and archived electronic data from any location. This provides them with the most up to date patient records and patient history which ultimately increases reliability and decreases patience safety concerns.” – Ron Kapise, Clinical Infrastructure Modernization Lead, Health Systems Sub-Portfolio for SPAWAR Atlantic in support of Navy Medicine.
TIAA-CREF IT Production Services: Driving Business Innovation with Hybrid Cloud
“We embarked on a multi-prong strategy with a goal to fundamentally change our IT Delivery model, we called this major initiative ‘Project Everest.’ Utilizing the VMware toolset we are aggressively automating our operations and relentlessly driving to standards. VMware, for example gives our customers a predefined set of deliverable products as IT services, including defined terms and conditions, with a very clearly defined cost model. We have paired technology with continuous improvement methodology and tools and by maximizing the use of VMware tools and Continuous Improvement methodology we continue to develop a streamlined and cost effective operational model.” - Kevin Murphy, CTO, TIAA-CREF