Technologies3 min read

The Value of Digital Employee Experience [Infographic]

VMware Staff

Enterprises undergoing digital transformation that focus only on innovative customer experiences are overlooking a critical success factor: employee experience.

A combination of employee technology, workstyle and culture, employee experience and the value of digital employee experiences are imperative to understand for organizations in tight talent markets, according to a new VMware study, conducted in partnership with independent research firm Vanson Bourne. Surprising results uncovered from the global survey of 6,400 employees, human resources (HR) decision-makers and IT decision-makers are presented in the following infographic:


Each key finding is bolstered by additional data and insights that Radius will be sharing in the coming months around these important themes:

Digital Employee Experience Is Linked to Business Success

A seamless digital experience for employees — including the ability to easily access the information and resources they need, anytime, anywhere on the devices they choose — positively impacts business outcomes including rate of growth, employee sentiment and talent recruitment.

Survey results revealed:

  • The more competitive respondents rate their organization, the more likely they have a good digital employee experience.
  • The greater the annual revenue growth level of an organization, the better the employee’s digital employee experience.
  • The organizations whose respondents are more likely to recommend are much more likely to provide a good digital employee experience.

Robust Digital Experiences Boost Retention and Recruiting

As competition for talent heats up across industries, providing what employees need, when they need it, can help enterprises keep their workers. Employees surveyed are far more likely to recommend their organization (i.e., organizations have a higher net promoter score) if they work at a company that provides great digital employee experiences.

When it comes to attracting new talent, employers’ digital experience is something candidates certainly appreciate. Flexibility — ready and easy access to digital tools employees need to do their jobs — is critical. Almost three-quarters (73 percent) of employee and HR decision-makers agree that the flexibility of tools (e.g., technology, apps and devices) that they might need to use for work would influence their decision to apply or accept a position at a company.

Perception Gaps Exist — Communication Is Lacking

Nearly all (95 percent) of IT decision-maker respondents believe that IT provides employees with the digital tools they need to be successful in their job. However, almost half (42 percent) of employee and HR decision-maker respondents say they do not have the digital tools they need.

But there’s good news, too. The majority of all respondents — IT, HR and employee — believe that digital employee experience projects should be a top priority for their organization. Close to half (46 percent) report it’s already on the rise, agreeing that over the last 12 months employee experience projects were more of a priority. Over half (56 percent) believe its importance will accelerate, agreeing employee experience projects will be more of a priority over the next 12 months.

While work behind the scenes may be happening, there’s not enough visibility into it. IT and HR say employee experience projects have become more of a priority (56 percent and 52 percent respectively), but they could be doing a better job of communicating their progress to employees as most say improvement is needed to digital employee experience areas.

Digital Employee Experience Is a Team Sport

The majority of all respondents acknowledge the important role both IT and HR decision-makers have when it comes to delivering digital employee experiences.

Yet, 89 percent of all respondents also believe IT and HR could work better together to improve their digital employee experience. Employees overwhelmingly see these four areas as the best places to start:

  • Ability to work remotely as easily as in the office (76 percent)
  • Ability to easily find and install the apps needed at work (75 percent)
  • Putting apps (incl. email) on their smartphones/tablets for the three most important work tasks a week (75 percent)
  • Getting new employees up to speed on day one (74 percent)

Prioritize Employee Experience with the Digital Workspace

Enterprises committed to rapid improvement jumpstart their strategies with a digital workspace platform. They’re fueling modern work with a winning approach that includes attracting and retaining the best talent.

Learn more about how exceptional digital experience drives business outcomes, and join the conversation at #EmployeesFirst.


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