VMware Explore3 min read

Explore Las Vegas 2023 – Driving ESG and Sustainability

Nicola Acutt

VMware’s flagship event, Explore Las Vegas 2023 is just around the corner, and I can’t help but be filled with excitement as I look through the lineup of sessions available this year. Something that has always made Explore unique is the ability to shape your own ideal experience and select the sessions that best suit your needs and interests. This year, we are thrilled to share five different tracks and more than 850 sessions to choose from. For me, the sessions I most look forward to are the ones where VMware can help our customers further advance their respective Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) objectives.

VMware as a company is committed to advancing Sustainability, Equity and Trust by aiming to embed ESG into everything we do. This enables VMware to not only be a more sustainable, equitable and trusted partner, but allows us to also provide more sustainable, equitable and trusted solutions for our customers. Nowhere is this more evident than in the products and topics discussed at Explore.

Below I’ve curated an extended “SET” list of sessions that showcase tangible impact and recommended ways you can drive Sustainability, Equity, and Trust at your company:

With AI being top of mind for everyone, I also highly recommend attending our General Keynote with Raghu Raghuram, CEO, Amanda Blevins, VP and CTO of VMware Americas, and Sumit Dhawan, President, as well as the Technology Innovation Showcase, with VMware CTO, Kit Colbert, both of which take a deeper dive into VMware’s products and solutions for today’s multi-cloud world and the rise of AI. AI is the next frontier, and I believe, we have both a responsibility and opportunity to bake sustainability, equity and trust into our shared and rapidly growing digital future.

Though we’ve made incredible progress towards our ESG goals, as demonstrated in our 2023 ESG Report, we continue to look forward to how we can better drive strategic impact. Explore is the perfect place to be part of a community, share insights and gain the inspiration needed to push this important work forward. I can’t wait for you to join us!

Learn more about the ESG SET list at Explore.