Technologies1 min read

What’s the CEO’s Role in the Journey to a Cloud-Smart Business?

As businesses and technology evolve, so must the role of the CEO. According to the latest VMware Multi-Cloud Advantage 2022 research report, a business can gain greater advantage when the CEO is engaged in its multi-cloud strategy.

The research highlights that 82 percent of hypergrowth organisations across Asia Pacific and Japan claim their CEO is extremely engaged in the organisation’s cloud use, compared to only 48 percent of medium growth companies. Becoming a cloud-smart business might be a goal for many enterprises, however, such a status is difficult to achieve without a cloud-smart leader at the forefront of strategy. Digital savvy CEOs have never been more important when it comes to business growth.

Echoing this insight, almost all Australian and New Zealand companies surveyed (95 and 96 percent respectively) agreed that their multi-cloud approach has had a positive impact on profitability in the past year. However, not all organisations are reaping the benefits of multi-cloud, as many still find themselves in a state of cloud chaos – when siloed clouds lead to a complex and cost-inefficient environment.

To help explain the role of today’s CEO in creating a cloud-smart business take a look at this conversation between VMware's Vice President & Managing Director for Australia and New Zealand, Brad Anderson, and Preeta Jadhav, VMware’s Senior Director of Enterprise Sales - Growth Industries Australia and New Zealand. Watch below.

Brad Anderson and Preeta Jadhav discuss the role of today's CEOs in creating a cloud-smart business.

You can now also find the complete VMware Multi-Cloud Advantage 2022 report here.