VMware Explore3 min read

Business Heroes and Industry Innovators

VMware Staff

VMware proudly announces the 2023 VMware Customer Achievement Award winners for the Americas at VMware Explore 2023 in Las Vegas.

VMware customers accelerate innovation and transform business in a multi-cloud world. At VMware Explore 2023, we celebrate the transformational journeys of these heroes and innovators.


VMware heroes — like Putnam Investments, and ADT — strive to improve our evolving, complex world. Heroes seek to continually improve the customer experience by championing new technologies.

Putnam Investments, Weathering the Change Hero

The world is increasingly complex, and it takes new levels of business agility to thrive. Putnam Investments embraces the cloud to boost business performance and fuel transformation.

The Boston-based investment management firm moved away from on-premises infrastructure management to a cloud operating model. Since then, IT has been able to:

  • Seamlessly move hundreds of virtual desktops and business-critical workloads across its multi-cloud infrastructure.
  • Boost performance and better meet licensing and data sovereignty needs.
  • Improve disaster recovery capabilities.
  • Accelerate progress towards its app modernization goals. 

ADT, Customer Experiences Hero

ADT, one of the most trusted brands in smart home and small business security, puts customer satisfaction at the heart of everything they do. The company takes a cloud-smart approach to creating premium digital experiences for customers.

By accelerating its cloud transformation, ADT:

  • Rapidly transformed its technology infrastructure at scale.
  • Migrated from on-premises data centers to the cloud in 90 days.
  • Scaled its VDI environment in 10 days to support remote work for 20,000 global employees during the pandemic.
  • Accelerated data query times from hours to seconds.
  • Reduced cutover times to a new disaster recovery environment from five hours to 15 minutes.


VMware innovators — including OSDE, the City of Edmonton and Boeing — are visionary. They revolutionize their businesses and industries and bring extraordinary value to their customers and employees.

OSDE, Modern Apps Innovator

Business success is increasingly defined by how fast organizations deliver new services that meet customer needs. OSDE, Argentina’s largest medical services company, takes a cloud-smart approach to modern app development and delivery.

OSDE transformed its IT infrastructure for greater speed, agility and scalability in app development and deployment. With streamlined processes and better teamwork, developers rapidly deliver new technological products benefiting OSDE partners and providers.

City of Edmonton (in Alberta, Canada), Cloud Infrastructure Innovator

The move to cloud is a top priority for many organizations in the public sector, but it can be complex and challenging. The City of Edmonton took a smarter, forward-looking and more cost-effective path to public cloud.

Using a range of VMware technologies, the City modernized its infrastructure, operations and processes. As a result of this comprehensive cloud transformation, the City is better able to:

  • Deliver new and improved services to the public, while strengthening security.
  • Improve employee experiences with an “anywhere” work environment.
  • Unlock greater developer productivity and innovation.

The Boeing Company (Boeing), Hybrid Workforce Innovator

Boeing’s 140,000 employees develop, manufacture and service commercial airplanes, defense products and space systems for customers worldwide. At the start of the pandemic, Boeing needed tools that were more compatible with the new hybrid workforce. Today, their global workforce seamlessly and securely collaborates in real time across a large global footprint, including 65 countries and a traveling user base. 

With VMware technologies, Boeing:

  • Manages and secures access to apps and tools from anywhere.
  • Controls complex endpoint requirements with a unified view.
  • Transitioned to Windows 10 modern management.
  • Shifted to a SaaS-based solution, which allowed them to focus on end-user solutions to promptly address business needs, without having to focus on the solution infrastructure.

Congratulations to all these heroes and innovators! Explore more customer stories on VMware News & Stories.

The 2023 VMware Customer Achievement Awards program has been conducted in partnership with TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG). Entries were reviewed and evaluated by a judging committee consisting of VMware executives, ESG analysts and Tech Target Editors.